It’s that time of year again – join us on Empire in Flames as we celebrate Boonta Eve! Mos Espa has had its fair share of tumult in recent times, but Mayor Mok Shaiz still seeks to preserve the Hutt Holiday and bring some stability to the people of the city. After receiving a call when you first log in, head on over to Mos Espa, Tatooine to participate in the festivities and complete daily quests to receive Boonta Coins that you can exchange for rewards. (article updated Dec 10, 2024)
Dates: Starts December 10th and runs until January 7th, 2024.
Speak to Mayor Mok Shaiz to learn of the different jobs and events you can take part in. You can earn one Boonta coin a day by selecting any of the three activities to complete, so pick a different one each day or return re-run your favorite. Once you amass enough coins, you can exchange them for limited-time event-only rewards!
The annual Great Egg Hunt returns to Empire in Flames! During this seasonal event players will track down crates of eggs hidden across the galaxy and participate in a airspeeder race to collect eggs, which can be exchanged for unique prizes.
To start, talk with Kari right outside the starport in Pandath
Upon logging in at the start of the event, all players will receive a holocomm call advertising the event. After answering the call, head on over to Pandath on Tanaab and look for Kari – the Togruta near the farm stands just outside the starport. She’ll give a quick rundown of the event, as well as showcase the rewards list for what you can trade your eggs for. As in years past there is also a speeder race that will reward eggs upon your first completion. Don’t have an airspeeder? No problem! Speak with the Egg Hunt Airspeeder Race Coordinator to receive a V-4XD airspeeder to use in the race if you have not received one last year.
This year, egg containers will be scattered across the mid and outer planets and you will find them near marked POIs. Be sure to look high, low, and everywhere in between for these crates could be anywhere and some may be easier, or much harder, to find than others. Don’t think that you’ll get off easy and be able to /target your way into finding them – it won’t work. You’ll have to spot them the old-fashioned way.
An example from a past year. Some may be easier to see…
…or much more difficult to spot
Once you do find an egg container, make sure you radial the container and select “Collect Egg” to collect it. You can also use the radial to keep track of how many eggs you have so far and don’t worry – they don’t take up space in your inventory. There is a total of 103 eggs to be found in these types of crates across the Outer Rim, and each character can only collect one egg per located container. Some starports or outposts may have more containers than others, as well.
A guaranteed way to earn 15 eggs is to participate in the airspeeder race, which is located near Pandath’s parking garage. This year, players that speak to the Race Coordinator droid will receive a deed for a V-4XD Ski Speeder, provided they did not claim one last year. After you get your new ride, speak to the Race Coordinator again, start the race, and take off for a scenic tour of Taanab.
Once you complete the race under 900 seconds, you will be awarded your 15 eggs and you can keep your speeder to use freely. Like other vehicles, your airspeeder can be called from your datapad but only while in the vicinity of a parking garage. Each character on your account is eligible to receive the schematic, so don’t forget to check out the race and get your fancy new speeder.
Be sure to take a look at the rewards vendor to see what prizes are available, and how many eggs you need to acquire them. Note that you cannot transfer eggs between other characters on your account or to other players, so spend wisely!
If the prizes Kari is offering aren’t enough, we also have a server contest during the Egg Hunt. The first player to complete the full Egg Hunt and receive all 118 eggs will receive a permanent, parked starfighter as a city decoration.
Wouldn’t your home city look rad with a starfighter parked nearby? Of course it would.
The winner will also be able to choose the type of starfighter that they would like to receive from the following:
Scurrg Bomber, Scyk, Naboo N1, Dunelizard, Kimogila, Kihraxz, Vaksai, Ixiyen, Rihkxyrk, Krayt, Mandalorian Fang Fighter, TIE Fighter, Tie Interceptor, TIE Bomber, TIE Aggressor, TIE Advanced v1, TIE Advanced x1, TIE Avenger, TIE Defender, TIE Oppressor, TIE Reaper, Z-95, BTL-AT Y-Wing, BTA-NR2 Y-wing, T-65 X-wing, T-70 X-wing, T-wing, V-wing, ARC-170, Belbullab-22, ETA-2 Actis, Delta-7b Aethersprite, Vulture Droid Fighter, HWK-290, G-1A Starfighter, Sheathipede Class Shuttle
Is there something you’re dying to have but you don’t see it on this list? You can make a request for a different ship that is EiF timeline appropriate and within reason, the EiF Staff will try to make it happen.
If you manage to find all 103 Egg Containers and win the 15 Eggs from the race, be sure to message Halyn directly for verification and pick out your reward!
Schisms of the Force was the highly anticipated update many moons in the making that debuted on May 4th, 2021, and brought the long-awaited Jedi profession to Empire in Flames. Since then, players – both new and returning – have had the opportunity to embark on the journey to becoming a Jedi and choose the path of light, dark, or somewhere in-between. As is the norm here on EiF however, the process to become a Jedi was new, different, and the profession itself differs from what someone might remember from Live. The secrets of the unlock and progression journey were also kept a complete secret to everyone but Lead Developer Halyn. After weeks of community trial and error, exploration, and crazy theory crafting, the first Master Jedi entered EiF on June 3rd but much of the intricacies of the profession, and what it took to being released, were as yet unknown. In this iteration of the Friday Feature, we got a more in-depth look behind the scenes with developers Halyn, Anishor, Abi, and Demiurge, and learned just what went into the making of Schisms of the Force, and what players can expect to see in the future. For those of you that have not completed the unlock process and want to maintain the mystery, be aware that there are significant spoilers ahead. If not, read on!
The first batch of collections has arrived on an Empire in Flames! EiF regular, Traycn, has written a post to get you started!
Greetings Empire in Flames players,
Collections have returned to the game, alongside the first Empire Day holiday on EiF. While collections released with the event, players will be able to attain collections at any point in time moving forward.
These work similar to The Great Egg Hunt server developer, Halyn, loves to share with players around the Easter holiday. However, they differ slightly because you will be able to check your progress on a particular collection by checking your Quest Journal. Each collection will feature different items to locate. Your Quest Journal will display the name of the collection and it lists how many collection pieces you still have left to find. These quest points do not provide any hints to where you may need to visit to finish the collection, so keep your eyes open.
Because these collections are available at any time on EiF, you can expect many of them to be exceedingly challenging to locate, as they are scattered all over the galaxy. Don’t think you’ll get off easy by looking up the old locations from Live, either. As is EiF tradition, our team put a distinct twist on these and we have brand new locations for all of them.
To start a collection and add it to your Quest Journal, you first need to find one of the objects belonging to the collection. For example, take a look at this suspicious Durni hanging out in the corner of a meeting room. It appears as a regular object, and to start the collection, you need to open up the radial map and click the ‘Collect’ button. Any piece of a collection adds it to your Quest Journal, which you can visit from the main menu to investigate how many objects you need to find.
After discovering all of the objects in a collection, you will receive a special reward related to that collection. At the time of this writing, the collection pieces are decoration items or unique player titles. There are no weapon or armor schematics available. Still, the decorative pieces are highly sought after items players have been inquiring about for several years and now they’re in the EiF wild.
The collections released during the Empire Day patch are merely the first batch – you can expect more click collections releasing soon, along with additional collection types such as the Slayer collections.
See many of you on Discord and good luck. You’re certainly going to need it.