Friday Feature: Schisms of the Force Dev Q&A!

Schisms of the Force: Dev Q&A

Schisms of the Force was the highly anticipated update many moons in the making that debuted on May 4th, 2021, and brought the long-awaited Jedi profession to Empire in Flames. Since then, players – both new and returning – have had the opportunity to embark on the journey to becoming a Jedi and choose the path of light, dark, or somewhere in-between. As is the norm here on EiF however, the process to become a Jedi was new, different, and the profession itself differs from what someone might remember from Live. The secrets of the unlock and progression journey were also kept a complete secret to everyone but Lead Developer Halyn. After weeks of community trial and error, exploration, and crazy theory crafting, the first Master Jedi entered EiF on June 3rd but much of the intricacies of the profession, and what it took to being released, were as yet unknown. In this iteration of the Friday Feature, we got a more in-depth look behind the scenes with developers Halyn, Anishor, Abi, and Demiurge, and learned just what went into the making of Schisms of the Force, and what players can expect to see in the future. For those of you that have not completed the unlock process and want to maintain the mystery, be aware that there are significant spoilers ahead. If not, read on!

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EiF Patch Notes – 05/04/2021

EiF Patch Notes – 05/04/2021



  • Dantooine snapshot update. (Mina)
  • Tatooine snapshot update.
  • Destalon and Eventide now have their permanent ship decoration from last month’s egg hunt.
  • The anniversary Riddle Hunt, hosted by the Hyperspace Navigator’s Guild, is now available! You should receive a call from an astromech to clue you in. The Riddle Hunt starts with a guild member in the Coronet starport.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi’s old house on Tatooine will no longer lock at random.
  • Cleaned up Jedi debug system messages. (Anishor)
  • Lightsaber hilt recolor for additional sabers. (Abi)
  • Jedi unlock is now available. Good luck.


  • Jedi now has terrain negotiation.
  • Fixed multiple broken strings.
  • Feeorins now show the Feeorin race in the character sheet.
  • Fixed several mobs having wrong hair.
  • Feeorins can now equip instruments.