The Taanab Harvest – Week 4


  • The Taanab Harvest event has entered its final week!
    • Players who travel to the Taanab hex farms can speak with co-op president Bukrom in person, who will give players details.
    • The Taanab Harvest is a four-week event, with each week introducing a new phase with new missions, loot, and escalating danger.
    • Quest givers have a new set of missions for the final week as open war has begun between the Norulac Raiders and the Taanab Farmers Cooperative!
    • Kari Saarek is looking for volunteers to man the lines at the hex farms against Norulac Raider attacks.
    • Jaa Haruss needs brave operatives to rescue farmers taken for ransom by Norulac pirates.
    • Vinon Daivik needs assistance keeping the defenders of the hex farms alive.
    • Completing missions for a co-op leader will provide a single-time, unique prize, in addition to harvest coins. You can only earn one of these unique prizes per week. (I.e. if you earn Kari Saarek’s unique mission prize, you cannot earn Jaa Haruss or Vinon Daivik’s prize for this week!)
    • NOTE: Solia Maduel’s quests are disabled. Maybe next year.

How to Harvest – Week 3

The Taanab Harvest continues with a new series of events and activities for the third week. Thank you to Traycn for putting together this guide!

Hello, Empire in Flames players! Welcome to the third week of the Taanab Harvest. We’re on the back half of the event, and the activities will only increase in difficulty, but the rewards are about to stack up as we prepare the Taanab farmers for the imminent pirate invasion!

For Week 3, our quest givers have a brand new set of tasks for you to complete at the Arcon Multinode Hybrid Plantings POI on Taanab. You’ll need to seek out Kari, Jaa, And Vinon to begin these quests, earning you Harvest Coins that you can spend at the reward vendor. The first quest you complete on your chosen character will earn an exclusive reward! Like the previous weeks, you can only earn one of the three rewards on a particular character.

By completing Kari’s quest, you’ll earn a Carbon-Frozen Canister that contains the Creature Handler Massiff pet.


If you complete Jaa’s quest, you’ll gain the Taanab Wheat Tea, which increases your dodge chance by 50% for a short time and comes in a stack of 50.


Finally, completing Vinon’s quest rewards you with the Smuggler’s Lucky Dice for a guaranteed Armor Effectiveness slice.


Below is a breakdown of the three quests for you to check out! Feel free to read through them to see what tasks you’ll be working on this week as we prepare for the final stretch of the Taanab Harvest, and good luck out there!

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The Taanab Harvest- Week 3


  • The Taanab Harvest event has entered its third week!
    • Players who travel to the Taanab hex farms can speak with co-op president Bukrom in person, who will give players details.
    • The Taanab Harvest is a four-week event, with each week introducing a new phase with new missions, loot, and escalating danger.
    • Quest givers have a new set of missions for Week 3 as tensions rise and the conflict between the Taanab farmers and Norulac pirates edge toward all-out war.
    • Kari Saarek is looking for volunteers to take the fight to the Norulacs, striking at the beachhead camps they have established across the planet.
    • Jaa Haruss needs walker pilots to man surplus AT-STs and escort grain shipments from the hex farms to Pandath.
    • Vinon Daivik is looking for operatives to strike at the Norulacs and capture some officers for interrogation.
    • Completing missions for a co-op leader will provide a single-time, unique prize, in addition to harvest coins. You can only earn one of these unique prizes per week. (I.e. if you earn Kari Saarek’s unique mission prize, you cannot earn Jaa Haruss or Vinon Daivik’s prize for this week!)
    • NOTE: Solia Maduel’s quests are disabled. Maybe next year.

Seven Years of EiF, and the road ahead

Today officially marks the anniversary of An Empire in Flames server. Seven years ago today, EiF launched with hopes, dreams, and a lot of crazy ambition. It was designed with a core tenant in mind – “what is your ideal server?” That answer, to Lead Developer Halyn and a cohort of scrappy friends, was something that took all the great design elements from Live and made it better for PvE, PvP, and Roleplay players alike… with a side of weird.

It sounds somewhat generic, but it truly has been the guiding star for all EiF related content in the seven years since launch. The EiF Staff has grown and expanded since May 4, 2017, but that design goal has always been the same and the team always seeks to challenge themselves on just what is possible in the world of Star Wars Galaxies. While it would be a long read to list them all, some notable features that originated on EiF were feature improvements like additional player character races, combat balancing; brand new content in the form of unique PvP invasions, instances and world bosses, Jedi unlock system, and seasonal events; and weird adds like weapon holstering, holocomm, and skulking.

While the last year has been rather busy in real life for the staff, and as a result somewhat quiet for development, EiF is still committed to moving forward and providing our players with not only fun, but “the weird stuff”. In the near future, we will be finally unveiling the long awaited Mandalorian Enclave, which will open up new weapons, armor, and content for those interested in the path to become a Mandalorian. After that, we have plans to release a new instance – the “sequel” to the Plasma Mining Facility instance. Once those are out the door, focus will pivot primarily to Jump to Lightspeed. There are still a lot of technical issues to address before we will see JtL on EiF, but we’re committed to making it happen. We will also be replacing the server which EiF runs on – which should solve a lot of the lag and rubberbanding issues that have been plaguing gameplay. And in between all that, we’ll always find room for the weird stuff – smaller additions alongside other improvements. 

Thank you all for being part of this journey, and thank you for joining us for seven years of EiF. Here’s to many more!

Empire and Remembrance Day Rewards

Here you’ll find the various things you can spend your hard-won coins on. This list only includes the items that are unique to Empire Day, meaning it will not show the “regular” event rewards that appear on other reward vendors. If you want a closer view of the reward, click on the image to see it enlarged in a new tab. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Ranite Geode and Box of Flawed Crystals can only be opened by a Master Jedi. Opening a Ranite Geode guarantees one of six color crystals (3 pairings). While cheaper, the Box of Flawed Crystals only has a CHANCE to contain anything.  For more information on the colors that can be obtained, check out the forum post about lightsaber colors and where to find them


Appearing on Both Vendors

Item Name Coin cost appearance
A Tall Glass Display Case 800
A Wide Glass Display Case 800
A Display Screen 800
A Heavy Repeating Blaster Replica 900
Schematic: Two-Handed Tulrus Sword 1000  
Schematic: RSF Sword 1000  
Schematic: Blasterfirst 1000  
Schematic: A-180 Modular Blaster 1500  
A box of flawed crystals* 725  
A Ranite Geode* 5000  
*The Ranite Geode and Box of Flawed Crystals can only be opened by a Master Jedi. Opening a Ranite Geode guarantees one of six color crystals (3 pairings). While cheaper, the Box of Flawed Crystals only has a CHANCE to contain anything. 


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