Boonta Eve Celebration on Empire in Flames

Hello? Yes, this is Dog.

It’s that time of year again – join us on Empire in Flames as we celebrate Boonta Eve! Mos Espa has had its fair share of tumult in recent times, but Mayor Mok Shaiz still seeks to preserve the Hutt Holiday and bring some stability to the people of the city. After receiving a call when you first log in, head on over to Mos Espa, Tatooine to participate in the festivities and complete daily quests to receive Boonta Coins that you can exchange for rewards. (article updated Dec 10, 2024)

Dates: Starts December 10th and runs until January 7th, 2024.

Speak to Mayor Mok Shaiz to learn of the different jobs and events you can take part in. You can earn one Boonta coin a day by selecting any of the three activities to complete, so pick a different one each day or return re-run your favorite. Once you amass enough coins, you can exchange them for limited-time event-only rewards!

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EiF Patch Notes 01/03/2023

Happy New Year! Here are the notes for the patch released on 01/03/2023, featuring the celebrations of Boonta Eve:


  • Boonta Eve has come to Mos Espa!
    • Journey to Tatooine and speak to Mayor Mok Shaiz to begin your Boonta adventures.
    • Perform one task a day to earn Boonta coins:
      • Race a skyhopper through Beggar’s Canyon in a time trial.
      • Fight Valarian Raiders intent on disrupting the holiday.
      • Escort slaves in to pledge their allegiance…or scout around for someone willing to help them escape
    • New loot has been added to the Boonta vendor and older items have been cycled out
  • The Mos Espa cantina is now under new management and has a new look (credit to Mina for the new deco!)
  • Added camo kits for Hoth, Taanab, and Kuat to Master Ranger.
  • Flamethrower and electrical gauntlets are now available for commandos and bounty hunters. These weapons will allow a player to equip a gauntlet in place of an armor bracer. When a flamethrower or LLC attack is called, it will first try to use the player’s held weapon. If the held weapon cannot execute the attack, it will instead use the gauntlet weapon for the attack.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed holstering issue.
  • Fixed performance issue with isRotaryCannon check.


EiF Patch Notes 12/09/2021

Below are the notes for today’s patch, released 9 December, 2021. For a more detailed guide on Boonta Eve, check out this guide (updated for 2021).


  • Fixed several broken holocomm appearances.
  • Weapon schematics standardized at one-use-per-loot. (Demiurge)
  • Updated multiple special armors for proper requirements and experimentation. (Abi)


  • *Crackling energy buff will no longer be consumed if Force Blast fails due to lack of mind or Force.
  • A handful of NPCs will no longer use the player versions of Force lightning.
  • The Bendu should now be invulnerable during a seeker’s vision.
  • Fixed lightsaber trails on the Old Republic polearm saber.


  • *Boonta Eve is now live! Head to Mos Espa on Tatooine and speak to Bib Fortuna to get started on the holiday festivities.
  • Speak to Ephant Mon for a non-combat escort quest.
  • Those uncomfortable with Ephant Mon’s quest may wish to seek out some visitors in the Mos Espa hotel.
  • Speak to Ortugg for a combat quest.
  • Seek out the race coordinator for a racing challenge.
  • Added new holiday items to EV-9D9.