This week, Empire in Flames celebrated its fifth year with player-held festivities as well as the return of the annual Riddle Hunt. In today’s Friday Feature, we showcase some memories and learnings that members of the staff have shared from their years here at EiF.
What is one thing that you have learned since working on EiF?
Halyn: Players will always do the unexpected.
Mina: Scripting with LUA! It’s not something I had never dealt with previously.
Abi: There’s a reason we don’t have hard release dates – the second you set one, real lie gets in the way and you end up delayed by six months (or more)
Anishor: My C++ is rusty.
Jeil: Save your work, and make back ups. >.>
Wefi: Halyn checks the files before putting them in. So no surprise Shrek.
Kelta: Things never go to plan. Also, we tend to think alike when it comes to hiding places.
Demi: Always have several fresh clones of your dev environment at the ready.
Traycn: How clever players can be in regards to gameplay, collection hunting, and problem-solving.
Phoenix: Players break things that shouldn’t be able to break. LUA is a terrible language. We are capable of doing more than we originally thought. Learned a bunch of ASM/Hex Editing.