EiF Patch Notes 11/24/2021

Here are the notes for today’s patch on 11/24/2021


  • Upstream merges from SWGEmu.
  • Art updates for several basic SWG swords.
  • Entertainer/Musician instruments can now be moved to a character’s back with /shoulder. (This command is also bindable in keymap, but by default does not have a key.)
  • New characters, on creation, now have at least one skill to accompany their starting profession.
  • Fixed several broken mounts.
  • Fixed TCG bunker ceiling shader.

Profession Updates 


  • Force abilities now require mind to execute. Mind is not consumed when a Force ability is used, but a Jedi must have enough mind available to use the Force. Different abilities require different amounts of mind to execute.
  • Crackling energy buff now has a buff icon indicating how many stacks of crackling energy the player has.
  • Crackling energy buff now lasts six seconds and refreshes when another lightning ability is cast.
  • Force Lightning Blast is now available at master Jedi for a wide-cone AOE with high damage, but requires and consumes five crackling energy buffs.
  • Force attacks are now much stronger, but have a PvP damage reduction.
  • Fixes made to multiple Force abilities which were no longer working correctly due to upstream SWGEmu merges.
  • States added to several Force attacks.
  • Jedi lightsabers now execute a Ricochet on a successful defensive roll. While lightsabers still require appropriate secondary defense (for example, Block on a polearm lightsaber), the actual defensive reaction is now Ricochet (which works analogously to Counterattack).


  • Commando flame and acid specials now properly DoT, including wounding and battle fatigue.


  • Doctor specials now use the combat queue


  • Player-to-player holocomm is now available. When using /holocomm, a new option will now appear to <Call Player>. If a player accepts an incoming holocomm, both players will be able to see a holographic simulacrum of the other player and speak to each other via spatial chat.


EiF Patch Notes – 06/15/2021

EiF Patch Notes – 06/15/2021


  • Jedi specials now are all interrupted by being knocked down. No offensive or defensive powers will work while KD.
  • Jedi specials should now be usable while berserk.
  • Krayt pearl drops have been reworked. Various krayt dragons will drop different levels of pearls. The overall chance of looting a pearl has been improved. (Demiurge)
  • Typo fixed in the Maul’s Vengeance crystal name.
  • Faction recruiters now have special Jedi loot. Master Jedi can talk to a faction recruiter – in person, not via holocomm – to access this special trove of relics.
  • Warfame vendors now have special Jedi loot. Master Jedi can talk to their factions’ quartermaster to access a special selection of Jedi goods.
    • Staff note from Demiurge – the warfame vendors’ pristine crystal purchase is potentially the best power crystal available in the game, with stats guaranteed to be high-end – however, there is no guarantee the crystal you receive will have the selection of stats you want. Purchase at your own risk.
    • Staff note from Halyn – we’re still looking into some issues with dark-side powers. This won’t be the last Jedi-related balance patch.


  • Tweaked 2-hand head hit 3, 2-hand spin attack 2, and polearm leg hit 3. (Demiurge)
  • Norulac Raiders on Taanab are no longer vulnerable to lightsabers.


  • New login screen. (Abi)
  • New, much-improved and more stable animation added for holocomm and holocron. (Wefi and Borrie BoBaka)
  • Backend stability tweaks.

Wearables Overhaul

  • RIS chestplate now has additional hitpoints on newly-crafted armor. (Demiurge)
  • Clothing and armor slot selection has been overhauled.
  • Items whose slot descriptors have changed will be unequipped when you log in to prevent pre-nerf and bug issues.
  • In general, clothes are worn close to the skin. Armor is worn over clothes. A jacket, robe, vest, or cape can be worn over armor.
  • Armor boots cannot be worn with cloth boots.
  • Armor gloves cannot be worn with cloth gloves.
  • Armor leggings can be worn with pants or skirts.
  • Open-face helmets will allow you to equip eyewear
  • Wookiee and Ithorian wearables have not been touched with this update. Once the EiF team has worked out any remaining issues with wearables for regular races, Halyn will do a pass on Wookiees and Ithorians as well.
  • Occlusion has been reworked. In general, an item at a higher occlusion level will “obscure” an item at a lower occlusion level, to the extent SOE built the art to be occluded.
  • General occlusion levels are as follows:
    0 – skin
    1 – concealable armor (not yet available – coming soon)
    2 – pants, shirts, cloth bodysuits
    3 – armor bodysuits
    4 – footwear, vests
    5 – skirts, dresses
    6 – armor
    7 – jackets & robes
  • *The #solicitedfeedback channel will be used for all feedback on occlusion issues, including bugs for wearability. The EiF team has altered some 2000 files for this project, and some adjustments will likely be required.

EiF Patch Notes – 05/04/2021

EiF Patch Notes – 05/04/2021



  • Dantooine snapshot update. (Mina)
  • Tatooine snapshot update.
  • Destalon and Eventide now have their permanent ship decoration from last month’s egg hunt.
  • The anniversary Riddle Hunt, hosted by the Hyperspace Navigator’s Guild, is now available! You should receive a call from an astromech to clue you in. The Riddle Hunt starts with a guild member in the Coronet starport.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi’s old house on Tatooine will no longer lock at random.
  • Cleaned up Jedi debug system messages. (Anishor)
  • Lightsaber hilt recolor for additional sabers. (Abi)
  • Jedi unlock is now available. Good luck.


  • Jedi now has terrain negotiation.
  • Fixed multiple broken strings.
  • Feeorins now show the Feeorin race in the character sheet.
  • Fixed several mobs having wrong hair.
  • Feeorins can now equip instruments.