EiF Patch Notes – 05/04/2021
- Dantooine snapshot update. (Mina)
- Tatooine snapshot update.
- Destalon and Eventide now have their permanent ship decoration from last month’s egg hunt.
- The anniversary Riddle Hunt, hosted by the Hyperspace Navigator’s Guild, is now available! You should receive a call from an astromech to clue you in. The Riddle Hunt starts with a guild member in the Coronet starport.
- Obi-Wan Kenobi’s old house on Tatooine will no longer lock at random.
- Cleaned up Jedi debug system messages. (Anishor)
- Lightsaber hilt recolor for additional sabers. (Abi)
- Jedi unlock is now available. Good luck.
- Jedi now has terrain negotiation.
- Fixed multiple broken strings.
- Feeorins now show the Feeorin race in the character sheet.
- Fixed several mobs having wrong hair.
- Feeorins can now equip instruments.