Friday Feature 4/27/2018: Anniversary Memories

It’s been nearly a year since Empire in Flames was launched on May the 4th, (be with you)! I asked the staff and contributors of EiF to share a memory from SWG with me. To launch our Anniversary Week of Events! (AWE!) we are hosting a ball based upon my memory! There are a lot of events planned all over the galaxy, so pay attention to next Friday’s Feature, the Holonews Terminals, and the Discord channels!

Sandarie (Community Manager)
So many memories, but one which always stands out is the one that launched me (pun intended) into the Piloting RP community back on Starsider. I was going to quit playing SWG because I’d not found a good niche. I was an incredibly newb RPer and really had only been in SWG for a couple months. I was determined to learn to fly a starfighter before I quit though and spent hours on the SWG Pilot forums where I noticed Codyman was throwing one of his infamous parties in the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley. People from all the servers were planning to attend, so I thought? “Why not do this before I quit?”

Whoa… when I got there, the server was soooooo lagged from the hundreds of people in attendance. I was in awe walking around and seeing the “famous” people from the Pilot forums. One in particular struck up a conversation with me, but the scroll from spatial chat was extreme. We formed a group and chatted ICly for the rest of the evening.

The next day on the Pilot forums I saw a lot of discussion about Leaph and the mysterious blue Twi’lek who stood around all night gazing into each other’s eyes. Suddenly, I’d gone from a nobody to a novelty. That single event changed my life, ICly and OOCly. It lead me to meeting Halyn, impersonating Abi in an intense RP, getting to know Anishor, and eventually Kelta! Now all 10 or so years later, it’s led me to EiF!

Wefi (Asset Contributor)
The thing that kept me in SWG after the NGE. I was lucky enough to play all versions of the Game, I also would make new characters on different servers to try out different things. This was true with the CU. I made a character on Radiant and in the NGE I made a toon on Naritus, Wefi.

I wasn’t too keen on the forums at the time, so I had little knowledge of the NGE. When I came back in December, I eagerly made Wefi, my Jedi. I met couple of players, even had a small guild at one point. But one time in Restuss’  new starport, before the city went boom, I ran into a player named Cye. He invited me into Dogs of War, a PvP guild based around family ideals. I was by far the youngest member. The guild took me in and showed me how to basically PvP in the new system. I came to the server as a nobody, but became one of the better known PvP’ers.

I don’t recall the waypoint on Corellia where we held our city, but we spend most of our time in Restuss. We were often the driving force behind the late night PvP. We defended the GCW bases on Naboo, Corellia, and Talus. If there was PvP to be held, we were there.

Savage (Continuity Contributor)
When I first started playing SWG, starting out on the Naritus server, I definitely thought the game was neat, but I was having trouble finding a niche of my own. I wasn’t sure what to do with my character, or where I was going in general. I was pretty clueless.

Then one day, I was walking through Mos Eisley heading to the bank/bazaar terminals near the Cantina after running some missions. There in the middle of the street I saw a group of players in full stormtrooper armor, acting like Stormtroopers. This was my first introduction into roleplaying. For some reason, it had never occured to me people would really fully immerse themselves into characters in the game, let alone as stormtroopers. I didn’t even know it was possible to get the armor- which I had always loved as a Star Wars fan.

I immediately started talking them up, asking them all sorts of questions. It wasn’t long after that they invited me to join their RP stormtrooper unit, helping me to level up, save money, and eventually buy my own set of stormtrooper armor to allow me to join in on the fun. This started seven years of adventures in stormtrooper roleplaying that would last my entire time in the game and introduce me to roleplaying as a whole, becoming the thing in Star Wars Galaxies that would give me the most joy and help me meet some amazing people.

Anishor (Combat Balance Developer)
There’s really only one spot I can point to, and that’s Chalmun’s Cantina.  This place was the center of starting some of the greatest RPs I had the pleasure of being apart of.  So many memories. It’s where Anishor and Halyn went from being compatriots to real friends. It’s where Anishor defied a cult of Sith to redeem a friend, twice with two different people.  It’s where the ‘three amigos’ formed. It’s where the Eisley crime wars happened and Anishor and another wookiee who’s purple and green fur will never be forgotten, Bycem talked and helped the non-wookiees who were being intimidated by the large criminal elements and sparred with trandoshans from one of the earlier slaver guilds. T’Dosk

Abi (In-game Items Developer)
My earliest memory of Star Wars Galaxies was during the first week or so of live. There were hardly any player houses around because everyone was still figuring out what to do and how to do it, and working so hard on levelling up. I was working on Medic/Doc at the time and ran into a Mon Cal Architect and we got to chatting while I was healing him. I wanted a house super bad, and he just wanted XP to keep levelling, so we reached an agreement. I brought him all the resources to craft a house and he’d call it even.

I spent a bunch of time hand sampling everything I needed to make a Small Corellian House, and we met up one afternoon and made the exchange. I gave him the resources, he did some crafting and I walked away with a Small Corellian House, Style 2. I had already picked out the perfect spot and started swimming west of Coronet, to an isolate island. It was bare of structures and I claimed it as my own, placing my house next to a tree on a small hill near the western beach of the island, and then logged out for the evening – satisfied with my new home in the game.

When I logged in the next day, there was a guild hall almost immediately in the middle of the island behind my house, and I cussed and cursed those fools for taking *my* home. I was here first, and they weren’t going to run me off. A few days later I ran into someone coming to that guildhall, and I went to go give him a piece of my mind. We ended up chatting and found out that the guild was a bunch of friends from other Star Wars games, they were Rebel aligned and were totally happy to have me along for the ride, and so I joined RSPA thanks to a guy named Xtremegene.

It was in this guild that I eventually went on to meet many of my online friends, including Anishor, Halyn, Sandarie and then Kelta. Without this key moment and this location I doubt that I would even be here working on EiF.

Kelta (Lead Developer Support)
When I started playing Live, Halyn already had his group of friends established and everyone he knew was a level 90. I was obviously grinding a new character by myself, so to keep me company, Halyn went and purchased me a pet. I clicked on this egg in my inventory; there was a cracking noise with green slime shooting into the air and my narglatch appeared in front of me. She was so adorable that I was instantly smitten and thus began my obsession with pets. I was determined to learn everything I could about my pet so that I could have those coveted green eyes. (And XP bonus!) I traveled to Moenia, Naboo, pulled her out, and her eyes went from blue to green! Naboo was her favorite planet and as I spent a lot of time there leveling, it became one of mine too.

Zephyr Base on Rori is where the rest of all my memories originate. Halyn was running the flight academy Rara Avis from there when I joined in late NGE. Eventually he would start a guild named HAZE. It was there I met Sandarie, Blue, Anishor, and Abi, gunned at Saturday night PVP events, and began to roleplay. As a member of HAZE, I interacted with the majority of the pilot community and made many friends. The transient nature of the guild concept–join, become a better pilot, leave once you were trained–meant that a lot of my friends left to join other guilds. But the core group remained. I have many friends that I would not know; dozens of rp memories that never would have existed; and a relationship that might never have become a marriage if I hadn’t spent time at that base on Rori. For those reasons, Rori is my other favorite planet.

Blue (Andarta) (Website and Forum Co-Manager)
My favorite memory is tied to a place I can’t go back to, a time I can’t go back to.  Another expansion had come out for the TCG, and with it all the new loot. In that month’s free pack I pulled the rare piece for the pack’s build-an-item, the Cloud City house.  I quickly searched the market and bought up the vastly more common (and cheaper) parts to build the deed. The house was plopped outside the city limits of our de-facto factional headquarters surrounding the Rori rebel outpost, AKA Zephyr Base.  After wandering around inside I was struck with the idea to decorate it as a new briefing hall for our weekly events and RP, and got to work. Halyn eventually approved of the idea and we managed to make the thing fit next to the old one in the notoriously unforgiving rori terrain, and our flagship “MC-40 Virtue” was born.  Within a week I had it done up, in a style reminiscent of the ROTJ briefing on Home One. Players were floored but it wasn’t until the next Saturday when it really sunk in. Not for the first time ever, but often for the first time in a long while, it really felt like Star Wars. We were there, in that universe, existing. It was all the more important because it was something I had built myself.  Not the devs, or lucas. Me. It was part of what made SWG really special. The hall is long gone, as is much of that community, but that first night we used it still sticks with me. Still proud of that deco job too (and I have a very potato recording of walking through it. The key room is the top

Violet (Original Art Contributor)
I recall the first day I entered the Dark Enclave and they took PvP that seriously that they were having training sessions and sparring tournaments in the enclave to remain fresh and well practiced. They had a sort of room for newbies to PvP, and a sparring room for the pro’s.

I remember stepping in and seeing a Dark Jedi Oppressor giving some advice or a lecture on how to maintain control of posture in a fight. My turn came to duel him, it was hard, but this was one of the ways I learned to fight and eventually rose to Templar III until I was teaching on my own.

Dax (Quest Developer for SII and EiF)
Coming out of Beta and going live with SWG was an amazing adventure.  So many new players all trying to understand and have fun with the new MMO. My main character, Daxamatic, was experimenting with different professions, trying to find that right build.

When the first Jedi was announced, it was pretty exciting among the players in our group.  Really not knowing what triggered it, we all speculated as we keep playing. Wanting to build items and deeds for my guild, I switched over to something new, Architect, my sixth profession.
Grinding away and taking breaks to travel to the POIs near my harvesters to keep it from being boring. With the last round of resource gathering on Corellia, Daxamatic ground out last of the XP.  Going into CNet I called out for training from a Master Architect. The shock of becoming glowy had me literally sitting at the keyboard.

Realizing that I needed to do something next, I quickly read online what was thought we needed to do.  Traveling with my new character as fast with no protection or skills, as fast I could, I arrived at the Jedi shrine south of Tryenna and at sunset, knelt and began my journey under, back then, the perma-death system which forced me into the wilderness and great adventures.

Halyn (Lead Developer and EiF Owner)
Anchorhead, Tatooine, was where I started my journey. The game launched in June; I joined in October and, like many newbies, made my way to Tatooine to start my journey.

Most of the first month was spent attempting to run missions and level and gain enough faction points to join the Rebel Alliance, while failing to be caught in the crossfire between Rebel and Imperial PvPers during the infamous base busting wars outside Anchorhead at that time.

To this day, the character creation/login music takes me back to a thousand stories…stories that all began, in some way, at Anchorhead.

Lasko (Sunrunner II Developer and EiF Contributor)
Awesome….. joined shortly after start
Mos Espa was my home for ages
Still my fave place

EiF Community!
Leave your memories here! From live or something from the past year with EiF. If you can, include a location! There will be a small commemorative gift for those who leave a memory.

Community Manager

A Week of War

As preparations continue to launch EiF’s unique Galactic Civil War system, the team is proud to announce one final round of testing: the week of war.

The GCW system, as written, has plenty of moving parts, and the team simply cannot test everything to the extent necessary before rolling the system out in its entirety. Of major concern are the planetary invasions, which are the heart of the system – epic battles in which factions can seize control of enemy-held planets.

These planetary invasions are built from the same core, but each planet has its own customizations. As such, they need to be individually tested to ensure everything works as expected. To facilitate this final testing, the EiF team is hosting a week of war.

Starting April 23rd and continuing through April 29th, the live server will have a planetary invasion every day. The Monday through Friday invasions will take place at 9 PM EST, which is currently the planned time for events in the final system. The Saturday and Sunday invasions will take place at 3 PM EST to allow European players to participate at a friendlier time.

(Also, a big thank you to the New Zeltros crew for willingly suspending their events for the test week!)

Participating in the GCW system this time around will net players War Fame, which will be used to purchase reward items once the entire system is live. GCW live system rewards include armor, weapon, house, and speeder schematics, as well as a few new surprises.

The rewards won’t be available yet – the awarded War Fame will be banked for future use.

The planets that require testing under the final system:

  • Corellia
  • Talus
  • Dathomir
  • Endor
  • Naboo
  • Rori
  • Taanab

Yavin 4 and Dantooine are considered adequately tested at this point due to external and internal testing; Taanab, on the other hand, has gone through multiple iterations since the first event and needs to be retested with the new code.

Image may contain: outdoor

This week of war testing will be a final check of the code as well as one more look at balance issues before the system goes live. (Of major concern is whether it’s too easy to defend as currently stands; the week of war should give us more data on that subject so we can make any needed tweaks before launch.)

Join us for the week of war, April 23rd – April 29th!

Friday Feature 3/30/2018: A look behind the scenes.

Staff just sitting around, shooting the sh… breeze early Monday morning before I left for my weekly client trip…

Halyn: Kelta and I won’t be around from Thursday through Monday. It’s the Easter weekend and we want to take the kids to the farm.

Sandi: *in a panic* So can you help me plan something for Sunday?

Abi: *instantly pipes up* Do an ‘easter egg’ hunt

Sandi: What would the Easter Eggs be?

Abi: Storyteller containers outside of cities.

Sandi: Those only last 8 hours…

Abi and Sandi go back and forth attempting to work out how to implement it. What can the community get, how many, how do we prevent people from exploiting? How do we make it fair for everyone?

Anishor pipes up with rewards suggestions, his first comment on the event:  Lightsabers…

Abi works up a proposed list of rewards, over which Sandi drools.

Halyn in the meantime continues to do his own thing, like putting in announcements when a new character is created and extending storyteller items to last for 48 hours.

Abi: Wait, why are we doing an Easter egg hunt? We’re going to have April Fools stuff, iirc.

Halyn: I don’t know what we’re going to have atm.

Sandi heads to the airport. She reviews the conversations in the various Discords, notes the incredibly boring topics the staff has been talking about, which includes the backpacks she doesn’t care about in the least. As her eyes glaze over and she skims the text about the new housing, a few other things, she throws in that she wants a stuffed tauntaun, for which she is teased repeatedly.

Sandi and Abi talk more about how to implement an Easter Egg Event, which she’s now calling the E3. Halyn keeps working on content, tossing up occasional screenshots.

Tuesday morning: Sandi goes off to a client and returns to…

Halyn:    soooo
               I decided to run with your egg hunt thing
               but I’m putting together a screenplay
               screenshots shortly
               the big thing will be getting waypoints to put egg containers at

Sandi holds her breath, looking through the text on breaks and finds a screenshot of an NPC announcing the Great Galactic Egg Hunt!

She notices it’s a bit like the Junk Dealers; you’ll be able to trade the found eggs for stuff. She literally squees loudly, hoping the people in the room next to hers at the hotel don’t call the Front Desk to complain.

The Arcon Multinode Agricorp is sponsoring their first Easter Egg Hunt!

Sunday, April 1st (after the patch in the morning Central time

The event will last 72 hours from when it launches.

The representative for the Arcon Multinode Agricorp can be found in Pandath on Taanab, who will provide instructions on how to find the Easter Eggs.

There are 102 Easter egg containers available, 6 in each of the targeted cities.

Taanab – Pandath
Corellia – Coronet, Doaba Guerful, Kor Vella, Tyrena
Talus – Dearic, Nashal
Naboo – Moenia, Kaadara, Keren, Theed
Rori – Narmle, Restuss
Tatooine – Bestine, Mos Eisely, Mos Entha, Mos Espa

You can hunt eggs on each of your characters.

What would a Friday Feature be without a teaser of a few items which will be available?

NOTE: this is the first time these items are being made available. They will all be available in the future with upcoming content.



GCW Live Invasion Test – 4/8/18

We will be conducting a third, and with any luck last, live server test of a GCW invasion on Sunday, April 8th at 3 PM EST. Location will be announced shortly before kick-off. Come armed and ready for both offense and defense!

Assuming a successful test, we will shortly after begin rolling out the GCW to the live server, starting with the Senate and Council election system.

Friday Feature 1/26/2018 – Base Busting EiF Style!

Tensions are mounting. Imperials and the New Republic alike are setting the stage for invasions. Armies are in training, troops being dispatched, leaders are coordinating the survival of their planet or the take over of another one. Bases and Outposts are being placed in preparation. Some are  placed to intimidate small cities, others located more stealthily in the lesser traveled areas of planets. Training is underway to take out these bases, some preemptively in hopes of turning back an invasion.

Join your faction today and start preparing. Below is the training manual to take out a base. Learn it. Use it. Don’t let the other side take over your planet!


Base busting was a very popular PvP event in SWG Live. It was content driven by players. A faction could plop down a base, complete with NPCs and those deadly turrets, to protect a city or outpost. The opposing faction would search out these bases and then make plans to bust the base wide open.

The planetary invasions in Starports are designed around the base busting model as well.

Below is a guide I found from the old SWG Live forums. It’s been tweaked to explain the new base busting design of EiF’s developers.

Required Professions:

Bounty Hunter 2000 (Investigation II)

Smuggler 0100 (Slicing I)

Novice Doctor

Commando 0200 (Heavy Weapons II)

Novice Squad Leader


The smuggler must have Molecular Clamps and Laser Knives.

Base Vulnerability Times:

Find an opposite faction spy who is at least a Warrant Officer II. They can enter any base and look for the Main terminal to check its status. The base’s terminal will indicate how much time is left before the base is vulnerable to attack. For those placing bases, the countdown starts when the base is dropped.  The base will be vulnerable to attack for two hours.

If a spy is not available, use /tar power. If the base is vulnerable, you will be able to target its power regulator.

Starport Note: These are only vulnerable when an invasion is active.

Base Entry:

When the team gets to the base/starport, turrets should be taken down first.

You cannot enter the base while the turrets are up.

Base Only Note: You can blow up the turrets prior to the vulnerability window. However the defenders can replace them. Only one turret can be added during the vulnerability window.

Take Down Procedures:

Remember there is a timer ticking down!

Make sure that system messages are enabled in your options

First slice: The Bounty Hunter on the Uplink Terminal

Goal: Find the numbers

  • Stand next to the Uplink to begin the process of jamming the uplink.
  • Open up the radial menu and click on the jam uplink.
  • A set of numbers  (1-10) appears and you need to guess the number. A system message appears indicating of your choice is too high or too low.
    • Repeat selecting numbers until you find the first one.
  • Repeat until you find all the numbers.
  • You will get 1000 xp and a successful slice when you’re finished.

Second slice: The Smuggler on the Security Terminal:

Goal: Successful slice using smuggler slicing skills

  • Stand next to the Security Terminal
  • Open up the radial menu and choose to Slice Terminal
  • Use the molecular clamp
  • Follow directions for the slice
  • Check spatial for the message that you were successful or received XP for the slice.
  • If you get a failed message, start the process over once the cooldown ends

Third slice: The Doctor on the Override Terminal

Goal: Break the code.

  • Stand next to the Override Terminal
  • Open up the radial menu and choose DNA Sample
  • A box with 44 letters appears.
  • Look at the sample at the box of the opened box. It shows the 4 letters in the DNA sequence
  • Each of the letters matches up with one of the others letters.
    • For example: If the DNA Sample code is ACGT
    • ACGT would match with TGCA (notice the code is reversed)
    • a with t, c with g, g with c, t with a
  • In the box below is 22 code sequences. Using the information above enter the corresponding code
    • For example: if the box displays ACAC, the answer is TGTG
  • When all 22 codes are decrypted, you will get XP or a message in spatial indicating you completed the slice.

Fourth slice: The Commando on the Power Regulator

Goal: Turn off the power at the base

  • Stand next to the power regulator.
  • Open the radial menu
  • 8 power switches appear, which are either set to on or off
  • Click on the “on” buttons until the buttons are off
    • It’s possible that clicking one button to off will turn another one on. Just keep clicking until a system message appears indicating the power has been shut down, or you receive 1000 heavy weapons XP

Fifth slice: The Squad Leader on the Primary Terminal:

  • Go to the top of the base if it’s a large or the front entrance of the smaller ones
  • Stand next to the Primary Terminal
  • Open the radial menu
  • If all the slicing was done properly, select the activate overload. In 60 seconds the base/starport will be shut down/destroyed. 🙂

Defend, Defend, Defend!

Defend the base for 60 seconds to protect the countdown. An overt defender can shut down the activation sequence. (The 60 second countdown is subject to change.)

Special thank you to Halyn, Abi, Anishor, Kelta, and Alhai for their help in reviewing this, making suggestions, and clarifying things for me!

Sandarie, Community Manager

Clearly Not Combat Princess!