Seven Years of EiF, and the road ahead

Today officially marks the anniversary of An Empire in Flames server. Seven years ago today, EiF launched with hopes, dreams, and a lot of crazy ambition. It was designed with a core tenant in mind – “what is your ideal server?” That answer, to Lead Developer Halyn and a cohort of scrappy friends, was something that took all the great design elements from Live and made it better for PvE, PvP, and Roleplay players alike… with a side of weird.

It sounds somewhat generic, but it truly has been the guiding star for all EiF related content in the seven years since launch. The EiF Staff has grown and expanded since May 4, 2017, but that design goal has always been the same and the team always seeks to challenge themselves on just what is possible in the world of Star Wars Galaxies. While it would be a long read to list them all, some notable features that originated on EiF were feature improvements like additional player character races, combat balancing; brand new content in the form of unique PvP invasions, instances and world bosses, Jedi unlock system, and seasonal events; and weird adds like weapon holstering, holocomm, and skulking.

While the last year has been rather busy in real life for the staff, and as a result somewhat quiet for development, EiF is still committed to moving forward and providing our players with not only fun, but “the weird stuff”. In the near future, we will be finally unveiling the long awaited Mandalorian Enclave, which will open up new weapons, armor, and content for those interested in the path to become a Mandalorian. After that, we have plans to release a new instance – the “sequel” to the Plasma Mining Facility instance. Once those are out the door, focus will pivot primarily to Jump to Lightspeed. There are still a lot of technical issues to address before we will see JtL on EiF, but we’re committed to making it happen. We will also be replacing the server which EiF runs on – which should solve a lot of the lag and rubberbanding issues that have been plaguing gameplay. And in between all that, we’ll always find room for the weird stuff – smaller additions alongside other improvements. 

Thank you all for being part of this journey, and thank you for joining us for seven years of EiF. Here’s to many more!

EiF’s 7th Anniversary Begins!

To celebrate seven years of An Empire in Flames, mayors across the galaxy are hosting celebrations within their cities. Check out the event schedule below!

Upcoming Events:

Sunday 28 April – 3pm ET
Dantooine Destruction Derby – Eventide, Dantooine

Mount up and take out the competition in walker on walker combat!

Sunday 28 April – 8pm ET
Aurora Beach Bash – Aurora Beach, Corellia

Enjoy the sun, sand, and sky-gliding! Races, gambling, and more!

Monday 29 April – 7pm ET
Festival of Glad Arrival – Verdant Valley, Naboo

Races, live music, lottery droids!

Tuesday 30 April – 8pmpm ET
New Destalon Grand Prix – New Destalon, Naboo


Wednesday 1 May – 7pm ET
Da Munchen Classic Podrace – Mos Gunga, Tatooine


Thursday 2 May – 7pm ET
Bantha Racing – Andor Outpost, Tatooine

Take to the dune and race on bantha-back!

Friday 3 May – 8pm ET
Bridgefest – Broken Bridge, Corellia

Bridgefest returns with fishing and fighting!

Saturday 4 May – 4pm ET
Sulphur Hills Dragway Special – Alexandretta, Lok

Drag racing and gambling!

The Great Egg Hunt Event on Empire in Flames

Updated for April 2024!

The annual Great Egg Hunt returns to Empire in Flames! During this seasonal event players will track down crates of eggs hidden across the galaxy and participate in a airspeeder race to collect eggs, which can be exchanged for unique prizes.

To start, talk with Kari right outside the starport in Pandath

Upon logging in at the start of the event, all players will receive a holocomm call advertising the event. After answering the call, head on over to Pandath on Tanaab and look for Kari – the Togruta near the farm stands just outside the starport. She’ll give a quick rundown of the event, as well as showcase the rewards list for what you can trade your eggs for. As in years past there is also a speeder race that will reward eggs upon your first completion. Don’t have an airspeeder? No problem! Speak with the Egg Hunt Airspeeder Race Coordinator to receive a V-4XD airspeeder to use in the race if you have not received one last year.

This year, egg containers will be scattered across the mid and outer planets and you will find them near marked POIs. Be sure to look high, low, and everywhere in between for these crates could be anywhere and some may be easier, or much harder, to find than others. Don’t think that you’ll get off easy and be able to /target your way into finding them – it won’t work. You’ll have to spot them the old-fashioned way.

An example from a past year. Some may be easier to see…

…or much more difficult to spot

Once you do find an egg container, make sure you radial the container and select “Collect Egg” to collect it. You can also use the radial to keep track of how many eggs you have so far and don’t worry – they don’t take up space in your inventory. There is a total of 103 eggs to be found in these types of crates across the Outer Rim, and each character can only collect one egg per located container. Some starports or outposts may have more containers than others, as well.

A guaranteed way to earn 15 eggs is to participate in the airspeeder race, which is located near Pandath’s parking garage. This year, players that speak to the Race Coordinator droid will receive a deed for a V-4XD Ski Speeder, provided they did not claim one last year. After you get your new ride, speak to the Race Coordinator again, start the race, and take off for a scenic tour of Taanab.


Once you complete the race under 900 seconds, you will be awarded your 15 eggs and you can keep your speeder to use freely. Like other vehicles, your airspeeder can be called from your datapad but only while in the vicinity of a parking garage. Each character on your account is eligible to receive the schematic, so don’t forget to check out the race and get your fancy new speeder.

Be sure to take a look at the rewards vendor to see what prizes are available, and how many eggs you need to acquire them. Note that you cannot transfer eggs between other characters on your account or to other players, so spend wisely!

If the prizes Kari is offering aren’t enough, we also have a server contest during the Egg Hunt. The first player to complete the full Egg Hunt and receive all 118 eggs will receive a permanent, parked starfighter as a city decoration.

Wouldn’t your home city look rad with a starfighter parked nearby? Of course it would.

The winner will also be able to choose the type of starfighter that they would like to receive from the following:

Scurrg Bomber, Scyk, Naboo N1, Dunelizard, Kimogila, Kihraxz, Vaksai, Ixiyen, Rihkxyrk, Krayt, Mandalorian Fang Fighter, TIE Fighter, Tie Interceptor, TIE Bomber, TIE Aggressor, TIE Advanced v1, TIE Advanced x1, TIE Avenger, TIE Defender, TIE Oppressor, TIE Reaper, Z-95, BTL-AT Y-Wing, BTA-NR2 Y-wing, T-65 X-wing, T-70 X-wing, T-wing, V-wing, ARC-170, Belbullab-22, ETA-2 Actis, Delta-7b Aethersprite, Vulture Droid Fighter, HWK-290, G-1A Starfighter, Sheathipede Class Shuttle

Is there something you’re dying to have but you don’t see it on this list? You can make a request for a different ship that is EiF timeline appropriate and within reason, the EiF Staff will try to make it happen.

If you manage to find all 103 Egg Containers and win the 15 Eggs from the race, be sure to message Halyn directly for verification and pick out your reward!

Well, what are you waiting for? Get crackin’!

Exar Kun Instance Guide and Walkthrough


After debuting in 2021, the limited-time Exar Kun instance quickly became known as one of the most difficult and talked about content drops for players, and continues to live up to its reputation testing (and defeating) both veterans and new players alike. After travelling through the dangerous wilds of Yavin IV to arrive at the temple of Exar Kun, players are faced with the challenges of the temple itself and must fight through three tough encounters before they can hope to claim victory.

Long-time player Traycn has put together this guide to help out anyone seeking to raid the Temple of Exar Kun and walk away with the riches and unique items located within…

Greetings, EiF players,

With the Exar Kun instance available for the Halloween season, I wanted to put together this guide to help those who have yet to try it out. You know the challenges and dangers awaiting you in the Temple of Exar Kun on Yavin IV. You must meet three bosses. Here’s what you need to tackle the Exar Kun instance and come out to earn Fortune and Glory.

Additional note: This guide was written with the 3-man version of this instance in mind. While the general mechanics and encounters remain the same when the instance is opened up to 4-man, your party makeup may change and diversify.

Preparing your Team

The team you’ll want to put together can only be made up of three characters (except its final week when it opens up to 4 players), so choose wisely. You’ll need a Doctor as a healer, a DPS/off-tank character, and a dedicated Tank. The tank can be TKM, Pikeman, or Swords. We highly recommend you do not use a Fencer melee character to tank, with the exception of the final boss. Even the Swordsman character is risky, but it is possible if you’ve constructed your character’s build and trust your doctor. It’s also a good idea to ensure that your DPS character is comfortable with tanking at least one of the bosses, as it is typically better to tank swap due to the amount of Battle Fatigue (BF) your dedicated tank likely receives during the first two encounters.

Your Doctor will want to have an array of Disease and Poison Area Heal packs, as well as the usual Area Stim Cs to heal the group,  which means they need to have a Master Doctor to handle this. The First Aid skill is also very useful to heal bleeding which comes with 2xxx Medic. Try to find the highest power-rated Disease and Poison Area Cures that you can find (or craft) – the more power in the status heal, the higher the likelihood you can remove multiple disease/poison stacks from your allies in a single use. From our own experience, we also highly recommend the DPS and Tank have some form of Status heal in their kit, so if anyone else has some form of Bleeding heal, or even a Disease heal (I’m looking at you, force users), it is beneficial to help make your doctor’s time in this instance much easier.

Additionally, your Damage dealer should ideally be a character with a Melee mastery or aptitude in close-quarters combat. For example, a Rifleman may struggle more than a Pistoleer, and combat skills with sweeping area attacks tend to fare better due to the sizes of the rooms and the encounters therein. Smugglers in particular will be great to have in these encounters due to their armor-breaking abilities.

Before entering the dungeon, you’ll want to visit an Entertainer for their Mind Buffs and receive the five Doctor buffs, although the Mind Buffs are not as essential for Jedi players. Once you have all those required buffs squared away, you can also invest in additional buffs from the doctor: Poison and Disease resistance. These help combat the first and final bosses and to ensure that you get the most out of these timed resistances, we highly recommend that you give out these buffs right at the entrance to the temple.

After you’ve buffed up your team, you’re ready to enter the temple and tackle the first boss. Speak to the Dark Shade inside the temple, and begin the instance.

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