New Player Guide and Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to Empire in Flames! Below you’ll find answers to the most common questions our new players have. It also contains helpful information and references to other player guides you may find useful in your adventures.
How do I start playing?
Getting Set-Up
Step 0) Before you install Empire in Flames, you need to install SWGEmu and ensure that it works. You can find their instructions here.
Step 1) After you have installed SWGEmu (and verified that the game runs), download the Empire in Flames launcher here.
Step 2) Install the Empire in Flames launcher. Depending on which version of Windows you are running and your settings you may have some additional approvals based on UAC.
Step 3) After the installation of the launcher has completed, run the launcher.
Step 3a) You’ll have to point the EiF launcher at your SWGEmu install, so click on “SWG Install” and navigate to where you’ve installed SWGEmu – this is not the location of their launcher, but a directory that contains swgemu.exe
Step 4) After you have completed the above, the game will begin to patch. This may take a while depending on your connection speed.
Step 5) While you wait, head to our forums and create your account. Your forum account is linked to your game account, so make sure you remember the information as this is what you will use to log into the game. Do not share this information with anyone else.
Step 6) Once the launcher gets to 100%, read our Terms of Service, check the “Agree” box, and launch the game with the same username and password you created on the Forum.
Step 7) Create your first character and have fun.
- If you are having issues with the launcher, try running it as an administrator.
- Occasionally you will need to whitelist the launcher in your antivirus software before it can run. This is less common, but still something to be aware of.
- You will need to run the launcher as administrator every time if you set your EiF install directory as C:\Program Files\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\ – we have found the best result is to install it on a second drive or in its own folder outside Program Files.
Help! I logged into my account and none of my characters are here! What do I do?
Try not to panic. In almost every case, this is caused by accidentally mistyping your username. Log out, check your syntax and caps-lock key, and make sure you are logging into the correct account that you previously played on. If you cannot remember your username, search your game install directory for a file called “characterlist_youraccountname” – the listing here will show your account information. If you have forgotten your password, please reach out to an administrator via Discord.
How many characters can I make, and what options do I have?
- Characters: You can make 3 characters on your account, and have all 3 online at the same time.
- Races: EiF features many new species/races that you may not have seen before. Be sure to check out all the options before you decide. We’ve also recently added Feeorin, too!
- Character customizations: We have limitations on what customizations EiF is able to implement, but if it’s possible in the future, we’ll add more customizations
- Racial Bonuses: Each race has different bonuses that may help you with combat or crafting. You can find them all listed at character select, or by reading up on the posting
- Languages: Players start with one or more and can teach them to each other. EiF has added more languages and may add more going forward.
Can I have multiple accounts?
No. Multiple Empire in Flames Accounts are not permitted. Each user may only have one account per household unless approved by our staff. Measures are incorporated to detect multiple user accounts. If you would like to submit a request for another member of the household for the staff to review, you can do so at
I’ve made my character. What do I do now?
Starting Out
- Utilize EiF’s Social Media to connect with staff and players outside of the game. You can find the connection information here.
- In game, the galaxychat channel is an excellent place to chat, connect, and ask questions
- Start in a Player City. The NPC cities are not nearly as active as our player cities. Ask in Discord for recommendations. If you lean Imperial or NR, we have those! If you want to craft, some cities are excellent locations. If you are more of a roleplayer, there are cities with a lot of RP possibilities. Here is a listing of the current player cities in EiF.