
Players have inquired about tips/donations for the server – it’s something of a standard practice in the SWGEmu server community that players help with upkeep for favored servers.

Let us start with this important statement: whether the server operates or shuts down does not depend on player donations. There are, of course, some costs associated with running the server, but the server owner is more than willing to cover those for the opportunity to enjoy the game with old and new friends. Donations are appreciated to help defray costs, but lack of donations won’t mean the server shuts down.

However, our growth has been far, far faster than we expected, and some of the problems we’re seeing are because we’re hitting the limitations of our launch hardware. We expected to have this problem…in six months to a year, not the first week of launch.

Purchasing hardware is expensive. Without donations, we’re going to stretch the hardware as far as we can, but over time that will mean more rubberbanding and odd bugs popping up as the population grows. Getting a new, beefier server would alleviate these issues, but would require a substantial amount of cash.

You are under no obligation to pay, and you will not receive any in-game perks for doing so. Aside from, of course, potentially a better experience if we can afford better server hardware.

If you have any questions, let us know. A Paypal tip jar is in the sidebar.

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